Halloween Packages
I have so much fun creating seasonal details for my customers!
Halloween is coming, and these are in the mail now.
🦇🕷🕸 👻
- I first laid down a strip of washi tape, pressing firmly to make sure it was in full contact with the envelope.
- In my glue gun, I alternated sticks Black and English Lavender JEWEL GLUE GUN WAX to create a purple/blue/black swirl seal.
- As the wax sits for a moment on the washi tape, I dabbed my stamp face into a Gold HIGHLIGHTING INK pad to create highlights for the recessed area of the seals. If you note the raven on the right, I pressed the stamp too hard, and the ink entered the engraving. I like the look, but if this happens to you and you don't care for it, just use a cotton swab to wipe away the extra ink before it sets.
Halloween Design Wax Seal Stamps
Black + Purple Glue Gun Sealing Wax / Alternate stick colors in glue gun
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