Image examples of what we can engrave
Line drawing without shading
Silhouetted Image
with positive & negative areas
Silhouetted Image with positive & negative areas are clearly defined and not pixelated.
Images examples that we cannot engrave
Photo or scanned image
Line drawing with shading
Undefined positive & negative areas
Colored Image
Undefined positive & negative areas
Artwork Guidelines
Preferred File Formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .ai, .eps
Preferred Image Size: 2000 x 2000 pixels
Artwork must be a black and white image. Image must be without shading or contouring. We are unable to work from photographs or scanned images.
Provide us with the image as you would like it to appear in the final wax impression. Please note, the image will be reversed when engraved on the stamp face in order to create a positive impression in the sealing wax. Please send us the positive version of your artwork.
Please provide your final, finished image. While we have our talents, designing artwork is best left to actual designers and artists.
Writing/Printing can be very challenging to be read in a final wax impression. If you would like writing to be legible, please make the seal size as large as you are comfortable with (7pt minimum), and the printing as large & bold as possible.
If you have details to provide us about aspects of your artwork please make notes in the comments section provided. We create most stamps to emboss wax, so that the image will be raised in the wax. If you intention is for the image to deboss the wax (push in), please explicitly mention this in your notes so we can evaluate your image for this purpose.
We guarantee our custom work, and will gladly remake your stamp if we make an error.
It is our goal to have your custom work finished as quickly as possible, within 2-3 working days. (possibly longer if a proof is requested or unfinished artwork is submitted).